Faith and Foils Cozy Mystery Series | Wendy Heuvel

This week’s question comes from Karin. She asks, “Where do you get your inspiration for the different characters?”

Great question, Karin! But a difficult one to answer. 😉

I find inspiration in all sorts of places. Of course, real life is a great place to find great characters, but I usually start with a photo. I search the web until I find the right ‘look’ for my character. Then more often than not, the character tells me who they are as I plot out the story. For major characters, I spend a lot of time fleshing out their life story. I know everything about their childhood, their family, their hopes, dreams, and fears. Add in a personality type to know how they would react to things life throws at them, and I have myself a character I hope my readers will love!

Do you have a question for Wendy? Send her a message here!